66 void print(
char *value);
81 void print(String value);
96 void print(
int value);
void sendDisplayCMD(uint8_t cmd)
sends the passed cmd to the display, cmd_byte is added as prefix by the function
void println(char *value)
same as the print method, but after the string a line break is inserted
void flipOrientation(void)
flips the horizontal orientation of all content on the display
void clear(void)
delets all content from the display, resets the linecounter, new print will start at the top left....
char stringToCharArray(String value)
string to char
void print(char *value)
prints the passed string right behind the current displaycontent the sequence "\n" can be used to mak...
void updateLine(uint charAmount)
should be called whenever characters where printed to the display. Updates the data of the class to h...
void invertColor(void)
inverts the pixelcolors, so pixels on will be set to off and currently off pixels will be turned off....
void begin(void)
initializes the display datastructures and sents the required cmds to start the display....