Dezibot 4
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#include "Dezibot.h"
2Dezibot dezibot = Dezibot();
3#define maxDuty 6000
4#define minDuty 3500
5#define baseDuty 3900
6void setup() {
7 // put your setup code here, to run once:
8 dezibot.begin();
9 Serial.begin(115200);
10 //dezibot.motion.move();
11 //analogWrite(11, 2000);
12 //analogWrite(12, 2000);
14uint16_t leftDuty= baseDuty;
15uint16_t rightDuty = baseDuty;
16unsigned long previous = millis();
17unsigned long current = millis();
18long averageZRotation = 0;
19long averageXAccel = 0;
20int left=0;
21int right=0;
22int difference = 0;
23int changerate = 0;
24int interval = 40;
25int threshold = 150;
26int resultcounter = 0;
27void loop() {
28 // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
29 current = millis();
30 IMUResult result = dezibot.motion.detection.getRotation();
31 averageXAccel += dezibot.motion.detection.getAcceleration().x;
32 averageZRotation += result.z;
33 //Serial.println(result.z);
34 if (result.z > threshold){
35 right++;
36 } else if(result.z < -threshold) {
37 left++;
38 }
39 resultcounter++;
40 if ((current - previous) > interval){
41 //averageZRotation = averageZRotation / resultcounter;
42 difference = abs(left-right);
43 if (difference>25){
44 changerate = 100;
45 } else if(difference>20){
46 changerate = 50;
47 } else if(difference >15){
48 changerate = 30;
49 } else if(difference > 10){
50 changerate = 10;
51 } else{
52 changerate = 5;
53 }
54 //Serial.print("Z:");
55 //Serial.println(averageZRotation);
56 dezibot.display.clearDisplay();
57 dezibot.display.setCursor(0, 0);
58 dezibot.display.setTextColor(WHITE);
59 dezibot.display.setTextSize(2); // Draw 2X-scale text
60 dezibot.display.println(averageZRotation);
61 //dezibot.display.println(resultcounter);
62 dezibot.display.print(left);
63 dezibot.display.print(" ");
64 dezibot.display.println(right);
65 if(left>right){ //rotates anticlock
66 leftDuty+=changerate;
67 rightDuty-=changerate;
68 } else if(left<right){
69 leftDuty-=changerate;
70 rightDuty+=changerate;
71 }
72 dezibot.motion.left.setSpeed(leftDuty);
73 dezibot.motion.right.setSpeed(rightDuty);
74 dezibot.display.println(leftDuty);
75 dezibot.display.println(rightDuty);
76 dezibot.display.display();
79 averageZRotation = 0;
80 averageXAccel = 0;
81 resultcounter = 0;
82 left = 0;
83 right = 0;
84 previous = current;
85 }