Dezibot 4
No Matches
Dezibot4 Lib

Links to external documentation


The project focuses on the software for the Dezibot4 robot and its use in the classroom.
It includes libraries for use by students as well as guides for teachers. The hardware of the robot is not part of the project.
The libraries and example programs are available under the GPL and are accessible as a repository.
It is ment to serve as an Arduino-Library.
Therefore the rules for arduinolibrary develop apply:

In the following the most important points and custom conventions are introduced.

Code Conventions

Don't pass reference

To allow easy usability for users not familier with C++, prevent passing around references. It is better to use accessmethods


  • methods are named in lowerCamelCase
  • classes are named in UpperCamelCase
  • folders containing components are named in lowerCamelCase
  • methods are named in lowerCamelCase
  • constants are named in ALL_CAPS_SNAKE_CASE


Every class that implements Byte-Based Communication needs to implement the Arduino Streaminterface


Every component has a single .h file and one or more .cpp files.
Every component is placed in a seperate folder under src/ that is named equvivalent to the class. The minimal structure of any .h file is

#ifndef ClassName_h
#define ClassName_h
class ClassName{
#endif //ClassName_h

Design Paradigm

During desgin, the Dezibot isn't describe using it's part but instead it's functionality. Under the top-level Dezibotclass, there is a class for every functionality of the robot. Each of that classes consists of two parts.

Part Instances

Each component contains instances of every Robotpart that is used in that component. For example the Motion component contains two motorinstances, one for motorEast and one for motorWest. Using these instances, it is possible to access more specific methods that interacts directly with the component ( configure it, setSpeed,...)


The components constains abstractions that combines multiple partMethods to ease the usability. For example for the motioncomponent provides an abstraction for the forwardmovement, that involves two motors and even another component ( MotionDetection)


When contributing to the project please follow the rules below. At first, follow all rules from this readme. Further rules apply to the usage of git


Whenever working on the project, create a new branch from the current state of Develop. Branches should be named as prefix/#issueid-shortdescription where prefix is from {feature,fix,refactor}.
When a branch is ready to be used in production, create a mergerequest.


The target of each Mergerequest must be the Develop-Branch. Before the merge, each request must be approved by at least one person with Owner role.
The approve process should consider especially the documentation, naming, implementation. When the merge is approved and no more commits are added, the last commit must increment the versionnumber in the file, following the rules of Semantic Versioning


Commitmessages must follow the gitchangelog pattern.


The language of the project is American English. That includes in particular but not exclusively:

  • Sourcecode
  • Commit Messages
  • Documentation

A german documentation will be provided but does not replace the english documentation.


Documentation of the Software and Hardware can be found at

.h Files


In the library, the .h files should be included using a relative path. For instance, in src/Dezibot.h, to include src/motion/Motion.h, you should write #include "motion/Motion.h".



Arduino Settings

  • Board: "ESP32-S3-USB-OTG"
  • Upload Mode: "UART0 / Hardware CDC"
  • USB Mode: "Hardware CDC and JTAG"
  • Programmer: "Esptool"

Using arduino-cli to compile and upload: arduino-cli upload /Users/jo/Documents/Arduino/theSketch -p /dev/cu.usbmodem101 -b esp32:esp32:nora_w10 arduino-cli compile /Users/jo/Documents/Arduino/theSketch -p /dev/cu.usbmodem101 -b esp32:esp32:nora_w10

Including Library

Arduino IDE -> Sketch -> Include Library -> add .ZIP Library -> this library

If there is any other error like 'Painless_Mesh' not found, you have to include this library also.

Arduino IDE -> Sketch -> Manage Library -> Search for missing Library

Start from Scratch

It is important, before using any functions of Dezibot, to call dezibot.begin() once in the setup function.

In the examples folder, a sketch start is provided, that handles the initialization.