Dezibot 4
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CharTable.hLookUpTable for 8x8 Pixel Characters for an SSD1306 Display
 Display.cppAdds the ability to print to the display of the robot
 InfraredLight.hAdds the ability to print to the display of the robot
 LightDetection.hClass for Reading the values of the different Phototransistors, both IR, and DaylightSensors are supported
 Motion.cppImplementation of the Motion class
 Motion.hThis component controls the ability to rotate and change position
 MotionDetection.hThis component controls the IMU (Accelerometer & Gyroscope) ICM-42670-P
 MultiColorLight.hThis component controls the ability to show multicolored light, using the RGB-LEDs